Notes and thoughts on Rev. Dr. Larry Selig’s message August 3, 2014


Chances are you’ve heard John 14:1-3 read at a funeral, but not likely at a wedding. In this passage, Jesus is speaking to the disciples at the Last Supper.

Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, so that where I am, there you may be also.

As He gathered with His disciples in the Upper Room, Jesus wanted to prepare them for what was about to happen. To do that, He used the analogy of a first century wedding.

Matthew 25:10In those days, marriages were arranged. After the bride and groom’s parents negotiated a dowry, the groom would offer the bride a cup of wine and ask if she would marry him. She demonstrated her acceptance by taking the cup and drinking from it.

During the time of the betrothal (or engagement), the groom was responsible for building a home for his bride. The home was typically added on to the father’s house, and families essentially lived in small compounds built around a courtyard. When the groom’s father deemed the house was ready, guests were invited and the wedding was held in the courtyard in front of the father’s house. The bride and groom went to their new home to consummate their marriage, then returned to the courtyard for a celebration that could last up to a week.

Just as a first century groom offered the cup to his bride, Jesus offered the cup to His disciples and ultimately to us. And just as a first century groom went to prepare a home for his bride, Jesus went to prepare a home for us in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Weddings are important in Jesus’ ministry. He performed His first public miracle at a wedding, where He turned water into wine. He used weddings in parables. And even His words at the Last Supper promised us a wedding feast in Heaven with Jesus as the groom. All we have to do is accept.

These notes were posted by Jackie Clement. Please add your comments below.