Our Wednesday night programs offer fellowship and study opportunities for all ages.

The schedule for Jan. 21 through March 25, 2015:

5:00-5:30 Youth Group. Meets for fellowship.

5:30-6:00 A Family of Faith Shares a Meal. Casual family-style meal.  $2.50/adult donation.

6:00-7:00 Children Become Music Makers. Music Director Lisa Langston teaches elementary age children to sing and play many different instruments to the glory of God.

6:00-7:00 Youth Grow Together in the Knowledge of the Lord. Youth Director Tyler Lutz leads middle and high school youth in continuing their study of the Bible. See below for details on the new Wednesday night study, Changed!

6:00-7:00 Adults Explore the Bible. Pastor Melanie leads a survey of topics that provide context for reading the Bible: geography, language, history, politics, and culture. Everyone is invited. For new readers to life-long students of the Bible. See below for more information.

7:00-7:30 Youth Group. High school youth continue the conversation at Tijuana Flats.

Nursery care is available 5:15-7:15 p.m.


Adult Bible Study Topics and Themes


Geography (Exploring the Land): Geography, Climate and Agriculture

Sociology (Having it all in Ancient Israel): Dominion and Dynasty, Genealogy and Love

Language (In the Beginning): Hebrew Text, Hebrew Prose and Poetry

Religion (Preparing the Way): Relationship, Fulfillment and Renewal

History & Politics (The Ruler’s Staff): Patriarchs to Prophets, Women at the Turning Points in Israel’s History

Anthropology (The Fullness of the Mercy of God): Enmity, Covenant Loyalty and Love


Youth Wednesday Night Study


changedChrist came to change the world — the way it thinks, acts, and works. During His time here on Earth, He was able to change the minds of countless individuals through miraculous actions and culture changing teachings.

In this study, the youth will dive into the life and ministry of Jesus Christ and will find out just how Christ has changed everything for His ultimate glory!

We will be focusing on the changes that Christ’s life and ministry made while He was on earth and how they still impact us today.


  • Christ changing lives
  • Christ changing hearts
  • Christ changing minds
  • Christ changing culture