Persistent Patience

Persistent Patience

There have been moments in my life where my patience has been pushed to its absolute limit. There have also been times where my patience has run out and I have given up or thrown in the towel. Was I proud that this happened? Absolutely not. But proved to be a good...
Restoring the Brokenness

Restoring the Brokenness

We live in a time of strong political intrigue and violence, both domestic and international. Both politics and religion share a common thread—and fault—in that within both, there appears to be certain affairs with rampant amounts of infidelity and corruption. Does...
The Horizon Beckons

The Horizon Beckons

Horizons mark the beginning of a new day, or perhaps, to some, even the end of another, depending on where you are. Every time someone is fortunate enough to witness the sun rising, we are reminded of God’s beauty and wonderment. With that new rising also comes a...