god-is-real-tuskawilla-presbyterian-christopher-kirwanWe hear so many times of people that do not believe in God, or search for God in the wrong places or the wrong ways.

We hear them say something like: “Well, you know I prayed for God to heal my ailing child, but it did not happen fast enough. Therefore, God must not exist.”

Someone experiencing a tragedy, a loss, or a bout of depression in their life does not indicate a God that is vacant from their lives or ceases to exist. To me, all of these scenarios, situations and actions are not indicative of a God that does not exist. Rather, they are indicative of a God that truly loves us and cares for us.

How, might you ask? Well, do you remember that time where you were crying your eyes out as a baby and God brought you comfort and you were sustained with food and nourishment?

Have you ever had someone do something nice for you without expecting anything in return?

Have you ever been curious about God, or wondered what God might be like, or what it might be like to have God in your life?

Did God send His one and only Son to be with us and experience all of life’s fragility, joys, betrayals, injustices and tragedies?

On a personal level, do you recall that time, where you felt strongly called and had this internal push or nudge to do something, or create something, or make something or become something?

That was the Holy Spirit. That was God encouraging us, supporting us, and empowering us.

Like the waters in baptism, we might not always clearly see God sanctifying and purifying the water, but we know God is there. To me, this is one of many instances where God’s true presence and existence is affirmed.

Jesus came to teach us to live with an outward focus for our loved ones, our friends, strangers we encounter, helping them too see God in the ordinary, everyday facets of their lives.

God is in fact real, God loves us and God wants us to show that same love to others.