Notes and thoughts on Rev. Melanie Ruta’s message Nov. 9, 2014


Lee Armstrong

Lee Armstrong offers the stewardship message.

We are all called to do different things, to play different positions in the “game” of life. It’s not what we do that’s important – it’s that we do it, that we step up to the plate every day and do what God is calling us to do.

Keeping with the sports metaphor: God doesn’t want us to simply follow the rules of the game when we play, He wants us to play the game with heart, love and desire. Don’t just go through the motions, really mean it.

We are called to give, but not because Jesus wants to separate us from our money. Actually, He wants to separate us from the love of money so we can make room in our hearts to receive the gift of eternal life and the riches of heaven. We should depend on God, not on ourselves.

Being a disciple means giving up some things so we can follow Jesus completely. Some of those things are material, some are not.

On this day of commitment at Tuskawilla Presbyterian Church when we presented our offerings and our pledges for 2015, we thanked God for the opportunity to give.

 These notes were posted by Jackie Clement. Please add your comments below.

Click here to see videos of this and other messages presented at Tuskawilla Presbyterian Church.