Tuskawilla Presbyterian Church & Preschool

Fall Family Picnic at Central Winds Park

Saturday, Oct. 22 • 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Sign up here!


It’s going to be a fabulous day of food, fun and fellowship. Wear your TPC T-shirt!!

TPC is providing hamburgers, hot dogs, condiments, paper products and beverages (iced tea, lemonade, water). Please bring a side dish or dessert to share.

We have rented a large pavilion so we’ll have plenty of room for food preparation and serving. Some seating is available at the park and we will be bringing tables and chairs over from the church. However, in addition to your dish to share, you may want to bring  your own lawn chairs or blankets (so you know you’ll have comfortable seating), personal drinking containers (to help us save on disposable items) and outdoor game items (to contribute to the fun).

We need to know how many people are coming so we can purchase the right amount of supplies. Please go here to sign up no later than Monday, Oct. 17.

Location details:

Central Winds Park
1000 Central Winds Dr., Winter Springs